At the onset of the pandemic, CCI turned an in-person event into an online competition, which featured keynotes from industry professionals at the opening and closing ceremonies.
Used virtual event recordings and guest-speaker content from opening and closing Zoom ceremonies to construct and ad targeting students and cybersecurity mentors in middle and high schools who might be interested in starting cyber programs locally and competing in competitions like CCIC.

Made with: After Effects, Element 3D, Optical Flares, VC Orb

Shot on location

Recorded in Virtual Crash Site

Made with: After Effects, Element 3D, Optical Flares

Shot on location

Recorded in Virtual Command & Control room
Two other videos were created prior to the event to generate excitement and awareness and encourage buy-in from event stakeholders and sponsors.
CCIC Teaser Video
Used event footage from 2019 in-person event to create a teaser video to generate excitement for live event and attract attention from event sponsors and stakeholders. The event was later moved online following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
CCIC Mission Brief
Used footage from newly-built virtual 3D evidence sites to re-advertise the 2020 event for students and event stakeholders, now being held virtually.
Tools and Assets used:
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Audition
Element 3D Plugin
Optical Flares Plugin & VC Presets
Orb Plugin
Footage of 3D Environments recorded in AWS Sumerian
Footage shot on location at a clean room in Santa Clarita, CA
Stock Footage
Speaker footage recorded on Zoom