Two Towns Passageway
The Cal Poly Liberal Arts & Engineering Studies (LAES) department designed an interactive digital art installation for the K-Street Underpass in Sacramento.
Our project-based class was divided up into specialized teams to script, design and prototype an installation.
Over the course of two academic quarters (fall 2017 and spring 2018), my teams researched Sacramento history, culture, and art, and developed a story-driven experience for the installation design.
Fall 2017

Historic Sacramento

Santa Fe Train Engine

Hopi-inspired design component of L.A.S.E.R.I.U.M mural

K-Street Underpass Current Light Display

Artist Signature on L.A.S.E.R.I.U.M. mural

Historic timeline of influential people
In the fall of 2017, I was on the Historic and Cultural Research Team. Our responsibilities included providing background research that could inform the content of the art installation.
I conducted an interview with Esteban Villa, a prolific artist of the Royal Chicano Air Force (RCAF) who gave us incredible details about a mural displayed in the K-Street Underpass.
At the end of the quarter, we presented our project managers a collection of research materials that informed the content and style of the installation design.
I filmed and edited the video below to be used in the final presentation to the Historic District Office in Sacramento.
Spring 2018
During the Spring, I co-lead a group that developed a story line for the pedestrian experience for both directions through the underpass. We incorporated story elements and motifs from different eras of Sacramento history, including Transcontinental Railroad construction, the Labor Rights movement and the Royal Chicano Air Force, and more.
We delivered two scripts - one for each direction - at the end of the quarter that chronicled a pedestrian's experience through the underpass. The experience was driven by the use of an augmented reality (AR) app developed by another LAES student, which provided means for our team to creatively script animations that accentuated the existing artwork in the underpass.
Disco City
A 3D city audio-visualizer coded using C++ and OpenGL in March 2018.
Models and Textures: Metropolitan Model Pack from
Languages used: C++, GLSL
Libraries: OpenGL
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015